Poor Kid Trauma #3 - What Happens When the Poor Die

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“Poor Kid Trauma #3: What Happens When the Poor Die” includes four essays. “Slow Death” is about the ways in which capitalism sets up the poor and disabled for lives of struggle. “The Ash Keeper” tells the story of what happened when the urn I purchased for my father’s ashes was too small; “How to Plan a Funeral When You’re Poor,” an essay in fragments, details all of the challenges I encountered when attempting to plan a funeral service for my father; and “Forest Fires” is the eulogy I wrote for myself and the grief of losing a parent who never gave you the love and care you deserved.

Product Details:

  • 37 pages long

  • Riso printed in colour

  • 5x8 inches

You can find Poor Kid Trauma #1 here and Poor Kid Trauma #2 here.

A digital version of this zine is available here for $10.

If you are poor and unable to access this writing at this cost, you can use the code POORKID5 to get $5 off.

Given that the majority of customers are based outside of Canada, the prices are in USD. If you live in Canada and the exchange rate is an access barrier, please reach out to jaime@margeauxfeldman.com for a discount code

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Poor Kid Trauma #1 - Building Safety in the Midst of Poverty
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Poor Kid Trauma #2 - Surviving Housing Crises